Our goal is to glorify God by introducing our community to Jesus Christ using the vehicle of sports and fitness. We do this by offering adult and children’s team sports and fitness events with the purpose of creating opportunities for evangelism and fellowship. We’ve seen lives changed out on the baseball field, soccer fields, basketball courts, and more! Don’t miss an exciting opportunity to play the sports you love in an atmosphere that seeks to honor the Lord and be competitive.
For more information, call the church office at 478-923-7101, or email Jesse Ramirez at
Registration and Events
Baseball, Softball, & T-Ball Information
Looking for an activity this spring? Victory Sports Baseball, Softball, and T-Ball are played from March through May each year for K4–7th graders. We would love to have your child learn the sport, compete in games, and learn about sportmanship through our Upward program!

Soccer Information
Upward Soccer is played in late summer through early October for K4 -9th graders at Victory Sports. If your child is a beginner or plays year-round, we would love to have you as a part of our league. Come learn the basics of the sport, be challenged in sportmanship, and have a ton of fun during our soccer season!
Basketball Information
Come learn the sport of basketball and compete in the game with Victory Sports! Upward Basketball is played in the winter from December through February for K4–6th Grade for boys and 7th Grade for girls. Youth Basketball is Boys (7th–9th) and Girls (8th–9th). You may be wait-listed if your child’s age group is full.
Adult Sports

Adult Volleyball
Adult Volleyball registration will be available March 2024. You can sign up as a free agent or as a team, and there are two separate leagues–intermediate and advanced. Games will be played on Thursday nights throughout June and July with a post-season tournament. The cost is $30 per person.
With any questions, call Victory Sports at 478-923-7101 or email Jesse at

Adult Soccer
Our Labor Day Cup is a one-day tournament beginning at 9:oo AM on Saturday, September 2. For more information and to register click on the link below.
With any questions, call Victory Sports at 478-923-7101. You can also email David at or

Adult Softball
Adult Softball is offered for both men and women. Registration will begin in January, and games begin in March through May. Players must be 15 years or older to compete.
With any questions, call Victory Sports at 478-923-7101 or email Jesse at