disciple university
disciple university

What is Disciple University?
Looking for a study on a particular topic or book of the Bible? Do you want to develop as a Christian leader? Do you want to know what the Bible says about marriage, family, or finances? SBC Disciple University offers classes on these and many more topics throughout the year. Each D.U. semester provides multiple study opportunities for individuals and couples. These classes meet during the week and on Sundays at various times.
If you would like to join a class mid-term, please email melissas@sbcwr.org, or stop by the Welcome Center for more information!
Bible Study Registration
Registration is now open online for women, men, and co-ed Bible studies beginning Tuesday, August 1 and Wednesday, August 2. These studies will cover a variety of topics to help you grow in your walk with Christ! Second Women–don’t forget to buy your book through the links attached! Second Men books can be bought at class for $12, and General Bible Study materials will be provided in class.

Women’s Bible Study–don’t forget to buy your book!