april, 2023

24aprAll Day26Senior Adult Homecoming Conference

Event Details

Homecoming Conference
April 24–26, 2023 | Cost Varies

Mark your calendars now to join us for the Senior Adult Homecoming Conference at Epworth by the Sea Retreat Center in beautiful Saint Simons Island, Georgia! The Conference Host is Pastor Jeff Cleghorn while Pastor Jim Perdue will be the Conference Pastor. Along with the preaching of Pastor Jim, the Mylon Hayes Family and the Mark Trammel Quartet will be singing. Included in the trip is a riverfront room, six meals, and conference sessions. Prices will vary based on room occupancy. To hold your spot, a non-refundable deposit of $100 is due by Wednesday, February 1. Registration forms, specific pricing, and an information letter will be in your Life Group Classrooms, at the Welcome Center, or in the Church Office beginning December 4. For additional information, contact Gail in the Church Office.


april 24 (Monday) - 26 (Wednesday)