june, 2023
25junAll DayWorship Ministry Potluck

Event Details
Worship Ministry Potluck June 25 | After Worship Summer is a great time to check out the worship ministry! If you are a teenager or older and are interested in
Event Details
Worship Ministry Potluck
June 25 | After Worship
Summer is a great time to check out the worship ministry! If you are a teenager or older and are interested in singing in the choir, playing in the orchestra, acting in skits/dramas, or helping with our kids choir, join us for a free potluck luncheon for you and your family across the street in the YAC. Pastor Justin will let you in on how you can get plugged in. Food will be cooked and prepared by our choir and orchestra. You do not need to register and childcare will be provided.
All Day (Sunday)